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Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company. *

+44 (0)207 778 0730

Blurred Busines People

* By clinking the "Send" button you agree to the processing of personal data relating to you. This data is used for communication purposes only and is not shared with third parties..

Do you work within:


 A Broker Dealer that due to time/resource constraints are unable to focus on manual locates,

disappointing your funds/clients in the process? 


A Hedge Fund or smaller Broker Dealer that is struggling to get shown supply for your short strategies?


An asset holder experiencing funding issues or leverage reductions



Do you have a passive portfolio available for lending but cannot justify the staffing resource to do so?


Do you need an introduction for Correspondent Clearing, Prime Brokerage, 

Professional Trader Clearing and execution?



Give CERES a call to discuss a solution or fill in the form below.



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